MMPA Spanish Dairy Management Workshop

MMPA Spanish Dairy Management Workshop

UMASH collaborated with Minnesota Milk Producers Association on a Spanish Dairy Management Workshop on August 8, 2017 in Rochester, Minnesota. Southeast Minnesota is home to many dairy farms and this was an ideal opportunity to connect with the farm owners/managers and workers with health and safety tools offered by UMASH. Monica Cruz Zorilla from the Mexican Consulate in St. Paul gave an overview of the many resources available at the Consulate which was appreciated by many seeking additional information.

UMASH highlighted the Spanish resources in both positive animal handling and preventing needlestick injuries. We know that many beginning workers have little experience working with dairy cows. Our resources are a guide to help them move animals safely for both the worker and the animal. Also, safe use of sharps is critical for those workers injecting dairy cows with various medications.

We distributed barn posters and DVD’s for training back on the farm. We anticipate these resources serve as a reminder to stay safe when working with dairy cows. Many thanks to the Minnesota Milk Producers Association for the opportunity to reach the Spanish speaking farm worker.