Lights, Camera, Action for Ag Safety and Health!

Lights, Camera, Action for Ag Safety and Health!


For the fourth year running, UMASH teams up with University of Minnesota students. These College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) Agricultural Education, Communication and Marketing students create short, impactful public service announcements (PSAs) focused on farm safety and health.

Agriculture can be a dangerous job, but farm injuries, illness, disease, and fatalities on the farm can be prevented. Working around hazards like grain bins, ATVs, heavy machinery, and chemicals poses serious risks, some of which can be life-threatening or even fatal. Farmers and workers can also face other dangers that may not be as obvious, including zoonotic disease and stress/mental health concerns.

One effective way to spread awareness and empower individuals is through short, attention-grabbing videos.

Student Ag PSA Video Contest

Continuing the project for its fourth year, UMASH partnered with Dr. Troy McKay to organize a PSA contest for students enrolled in Advanced Video Production for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment (AECM 4432), a course is part of the Agricultural Education, Communications, and Marketing program within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) at the University of Minnesota.

For the contest, students create one-minute PSAs that serve as engaging and educational tools to raise awareness and empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent injuries and illness on the farm. Guided by UMASH’s expertise and Dr. McKay’s mentorship, students channeled their creativity and put their media skills to the test to advocate for a safer and healthier future for agriculture. Student participants focused on topics like farm equipment safety, rural roadway safety, mental health, and more. 

“I really liked this video contest. I think the principles behind it were empowering, and I felt I was serving a greater purpose.”

Student Ag PSA Contest Participant

“I think sharing information on this topic is important, so it felt that my video is making an impact!”

Student Ag PSA Contest Participant

2024 Winning PSAs

Two videos were recognized as contest winners and received a University of Minnesota bookstore gift card and a feature in UMASH communications channels.

Needlestick Safety
Kestlyn Willert

After graduating from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities in May 2024 with a double major in Agricultural Communication and Marketing and animal science, Kestlyn, originally from southwest Minnesota, has had a profound connection to agriculture since childhood. Her passion for animal science and communication was nurtured through her experiences growing up raising livestock, and coaching and judging livestock teams.

As she prepares to pursue a Master’s in Animal Science at Michigan State University, specializing in beef management, Kestlyn is eager to continue her mission of empowering others through education and communication in agriculture.

Kestlyn chose to focus on needlestick safety with her first hand experiences with livestock.

“I grew up raising livestock my whole life, and I’ve seen the dangers of needle sticking. Sometimes, when working with cattle, people want to finish quickly. If proper safety techniques aren’t taken with needles, it can lead to detrimental effects. Highlighting this procedure is crucial because some may think it’s fine to rush through, but I’ve seen the consequences firsthand.”

Congratulations, Kestlyn!

Rural Roadway Safety
Natalie Beckendorf

Natalie Beckendorf, from Renville, MN, is pursuing Agricultural Communication and Marketing at the University of Minnesota and is set to graduate in December. With a passion for storytelling in agriculture, she is an intern with CHS in their Agronomy marketing department and works for the university’s Agricultural Education, Communication, and Marketing program. Growing up on a hobby farm and as an active member in 4-H and FFA, Natalie’s deep connection to agriculture fueled her interest in media, particularly after joining the Minnesota Agriculture Digital Media Team during the pandemic.

She chose roadway safety for her PSA video, driven by her rural community’s experiences.

“I chose roadway safety as my topic for my PSA video because I come from a rural community that is a hub for agriculture. There is a lot of equipment moving through towns and on roads. Recently, my community has experienced significant losses from various farm and roadway accidents. It’s a subject close to my heart, and I believe it can save lives.”

Congratulations, Natalie!

Together to Create a Safer Future for Agriculture

Thank you to Dr. Troy McKay for working with us at UMASH and bringing these important health and safety topics to light through his class.

After the project, 100% of students agreed that using safety practices and precautions can help prevent injury and illness on farms. Students also reported having a deeper understanding of agricultural safety and health and believe they can apply what they’ve learned about farm safety and health in their future work.

“Dr. McKay does a great job with his experience in the industry, of teaching students how to problem solve and tell a good story.”

Student Ag PSA Contest Participant

“All the professors in AECM have been phenomenal. I feel like I have the skills to communicate and tell the story of agriculturalists and farmers.”

Student Ag PSA Contest Participant

Together, UMASH, Dr. McKay and the AECM department are collaborating to create a safer and healthier future for agriculture, with a focus on promoting health and safety through media, one health and safety message at a time.