Do you Know Someone who is Struggling?

Do you Know Someone who is Struggling?


Do you know someone who is struggling with their mental health? Are you wondering how you could help them? Look no further!

In collaboration with our neighbors Cole Ehmke, MS, Agriculture Entrepreneurship and Personal Financial Management Specialist at the University of Wyoming Extension and Lucy Pauley from the Wyoming Department of Agriculture , UMASH shared stress and mental health resources with farmers, ranchers, and their communities in Wyoming. As an addition to our co-branded Signs and Symptoms of Stress card, we partnered to create a new graphic that was shared through print and online magazines, newspapers, and social media.

The graphic shows 5 different prompts to help someone who is struggling with mental health.

  1. How are you feeling?
  2. I’m concerned about you.
  3. Have you spoken with anyone about this before?
  4. How have you dealt with things in the past?
  5. How long have you been feeling like this?

These prompts are helpful and well-spoken to address the sensitive topic of stress and mental health.



Share the graphic!

Share this on social media to give helpful prompts to say to someone who may be struggling.

“We like the idea of helping people to be curious with the people they interact with”

Cole Ehmke

Our release was in various magazines including the Wyoming Livestock Roundup, WREN Magazine, Wyoming Press Association, and the No Bull Sheet through Wyoming Stock Growers Association.

Stress and Mental Health Resources

Stress, depression, and suicide are an emerging issue in rural communities where economic, social, and environmental forces challenge the health and safety of farmers, agricultural workers and their families.