SPOTLIGHT: Ag Teachers Go Back to Class

Megan Roberts, Assistant Extension Professor for the University of Minnesota, lead a pilot project to develop a curriculum for agriculture educators that focused on occupational health and safety. …

SPOTLIGHT: Firefighters Could be Key to Farm Safety

Rural firefighters are farmers’ neighbors, friends, family, or are farmers in their own right. They are a highly trainable and trusted workforce. Moreover, they are in every rural county in the U.S. and will always outnumber agricultural health and safety experts – unless they become experts themselves. …

SPOTLIGHT: Roadway Safety

It is important to take special precautions on the roadways during planting and harvesting season—whether you are a farmer or driver of a motor vehicle. In the Midwest region of the United States, more than 1,000 farm vehicle crashes occur each year and cause severe and fatal injuries. Most crashes (75%) result in an injury, usually with increased risk to the non-farm vehicle operator (such as a motor vehicle driver) compared to the farmer. The Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health recently conducted a study reporting that wider roads (wider shoulder width, for example) and increased lighting and marking on farm equipment are both associated with reduced roadway crash rates. …

SPOTLIGHT: 2017 NORA Symposium

On May 5th, the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Symposium targeted the opioid crisis for its annual outreach event. The symposium focused on raising awareness, providing continuing education, and sharing research about the opioid crisis in occupational and agricultural health. …

SPOTLIGHT: Rollover Protection

The occupational death rate on farms is nearly 800 percent greater than in all other industries combined. The leading cause of farm deaths is tractor rollovers. …


The Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) is pleased to announce the addition of an agricultural worker health and safety bi-weekly news segment to the CAHFS Daily News - a food safety news feed sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS). …

SPOTLIGHT: Worker Protection Standard

Agricultural work is one of the most dangerous occupations in the US. In January 2017, those who work in this important industry were afforded stronger protections. On January 2nd, the first wave of revisions to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) went into effect, aiming to minimize the adverse health effects of pesticide exposure. …

SPOTLIGHT: Ag Injury News Clippings Database

AgInjuryNews.org is a great resource to monitor injury and fatality trends. These are not official numbers, but are gleaned from news reports across the U.S. Developed by staff at the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety (NCCRAHS) in 2015, this web-based tool compiles newspaper articles through a combination of Google alerts, review of media clippings and verified personal submissions. …

SPOTLIGHT: An Ode to Research Participants

I recently had the privilege to organize an event acknowledging the efforts of participants in our Hispanic worker training research project. We had asked farmers and workers to perform a year’s worth of activities that we think may increase the health and safety on their farms. We’re almost done collecting data, and the preliminary results are promising. …