SPOTLIGHT: A Better Way to Return To Work

When farm workers are forced to take time off due to sickness or injuries, the current return-to-work process has often been a hardship for both the individual and the farm business. The UMASH-funded project, Facilitating Return to Work for Injured and Ill Animal Agriculture Workers, created a system for clinicians to use when assessing a farmers’ injury or sickness. …

Bryan Weichelt Presents Poster at APHA 2015

Bryan Weichelt presented a poster at the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting in Chicago in November 2015. The title of the poster was “Nuance to Numbers: Transforming Unstructured Physical Therapist Field Data to Structured Farm Task Data for an Injured/Ill Return to Work Software Application.”  The abstract and poster …

UMASH at 142nd Annual Meeting of APHA

UMASH was represented well at APHA in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17-19. Healthography was the theme for this 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. UMASH partner staff presenting and participating there from the National Farm Medicine Center in Marshfield, Wisconsin, include (pictured at left, L to R): Patricia Juarez-Carrillo, …

National Farm Medicine Center Conducts Worksite Visit

The National Farm Medicine Center conducted a worksite visit to a Wisconsin farm as part of the Return to Work project. Investigators are developing a compendium of tasks in dairy and pork that we be used to develop an interactive clinically guided software application designed for clinicians to guide early return to work planning for injured workers …

UMASH Presents at the Midwest Regional Agricultural Safety and Health (MRASH) Conference

In November 2012, UMASH staff and faculty attended the Midwest Regional Agricultural Safety and Health (MRASH) Conference in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Center Director, Bruce Alexander, presented an overview of UMASH at the conference’s opening plenary session and other UMASH representatives attended sessions, networked with agricultural safety and health …