Carrie Klumb, MPH Presents Environmental Health Seminar

Carrie Klumb, MPH Presents Environmental Health Seminar

klumbCarrie Klumb, MPH, Senior Epidemiologist at the Minnesota Department of Health presented a seminar “A One Health Approach to Healthy Fairs” at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health as part of the Environmental Health Seminar Series on February 13, 2014. The presentation provided an overview of the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Foodborne, Vectorborne, and Zoonotic Disease Unit and the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (UMASH) collaborative project that is a series of 1-day Healthy Fairs Workshops for people associated with county fairs and which addresses human, animal, and environmental health issues at fairs. MDH presented about the workshops at the 2014 Minnesota Federation of County Fairs 2014 Convention. An article about the workshops was published in the January/February 2014 issue of Fairs and Expos magazine, a national distributed magazine of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions.

Learn more about the Healthy Fairs Workshops.