Ag Safety and Health Pledge Campaign

Ag Safety and Health Pledge Campaign

NFSW_PledgeUMASH initiated a Pledge campaign from August 1st through September 30th, 2015 as part of National Farm Safety and Health Week. Our Pledge, promoted the ‘Ag safety is not just a slogan, it’s a lifestyle’ theme and included these eleven safety reminders:

  • Wash my hands after handling animals or leaving animal facilities
  • Apply sunscreen when going outside, even on cloudy days
  • Be PALS (calm and patient) when moving animals
  • Use proper techniques to avoid accidental needlesticks
  • Wear proper ear protection when working around loud equipment or machinery
  • Adopt a ‘no riders’ policy
  • Keep floors and walkways clear of obstacles and hazards
  • Encourage friends, family and employees to follow safe and healthy farm practices
  • Speak up if I see someone doing something unsafe
  • Print and hang the pledge poster
  • Share pledge with others

Participants were encouraged to select one or more of the activities to demonstrate their commitment. Engagement by the public as well as staff and students was widespread and included regional media attention.