Farm Safety Check: Sharps Handling Safety

Farm Safety Check: Sharps Handling Safety

MARCH 2019

Needlestick injuries on the farm are usually minor, but they can be life-threatening.  Farmers, ranchers, veterinarians, and agricultural workers are susceptible to needlestick injuries on the job.

Prevent these kinds of injuries through worker training and best practices with sharps storage, handling, and disposal.



  • Do you have a safety training program for employees who are working with sharps?
  • Does employee training address products of most concern if there were an accidental needlestick?
  • Do injection procedures include enough time for safe handling?
  • Are employees trained to restrain animals properly while handling sharps?
  • Are employees trained how to use a one-handed scoop if it is necessary to recap a needle? Refer to training videos at umash.umn.edu/needlestick
  • Have employees had safety training on how to respond to an injury, get healthcare, and report an injury?
  • Are appropriate disposal containers readily available for disposing of sharps?
  • Is your farm complying with the state or local requirements for proper disposal of sharps (medical waste)? E.g type of container, labeling, disposal sites. Refer to SafeNeedleDisposal.org

You and/or your employee(s) can download and print a pdf checklist to complete safety checks on your farm.  Keep the completed forms for follow-up, future reference and inspections.



Additional Resources:


Needlestick Safety Posters

Print-ready PDF files can be downloaded below.
A limited supply of pre-printed 11 x 17 laminated posters are available upon request.
Call 612-625-8836 or email umash@umn.edu

Disclaimer: The facts and information listed above are suggestions for your safety, but are in no way a comprehensive and exhaustive list of all actions needed to ensure your safety.