ASAP 2017

 Agricultural Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) Week 2017

Get Out of My Space
March 5-11, 2017

#KeepFarmsSafe #ASAP17 #USAgCenters



The American Farm Bureau’s Agricultural Safety Awareness Program (ASAP), UMASH and the US Agricultural Centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) are spotlighting agricultural health and safety with a variety of resources for farmers and ranchers, farmworkers, farm families, and others to promote Ag Safety Awareness Week (ASAP) March 5-11.

The 2017 Agricultural Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) Week will be celebrated March 5-11.  The theme for the week will be “Get Out of My Space” and will highlight a different safety focus each day of the week.

  • MONDAY – Confined Space
  • TUESDAY – Animal Space
  • WEDNESDAY – Equipment Operator Space
  • THURSDAY – Electrical Space
  • FRIDAY – Driver Space





UMASH Ag Safety Resources
  • UMASH Ag Safety and Health Spotlight
    UMASH Ag Safety and Health: Stories from the Field highlights the stories of farmers and farm families – their experiences with injury or disease on the farm, as well as what they learned and suggestions for prevention.
NIOSH Agricultural Safety and Health Centers
The Centers for Agricultural Disease and Injury Research, Education, and Prevention represent a major NIOSH effort to protect the health and safety of agricultural workers and their families. The Centers were established by cooperative agreement to conduct research, education, and prevention projects to address the nation’s pressing agricultural health and safety problems. Geographically, the Centers are distributed throughout the nation to be responsive to the agricultural health and safety issues unique to the different regions.

US Ag Centers YouTube Channel
The US Agricultural Centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health offer online safety videos through a special YouTube channel. These safety videos are designed for producers, Extension agents, first responders and farm families. The videos can be especially relevant during harvest season, as farmers are putting in long hours under the stress of weather delays and equipment breakdowns.



Friday, March 10
12-1pm CST

Marizen Ramirez, MPH, PhD
Karissa Harland, MPH, PhD

Monday, March 13
12-1pm CDT

Jeff Bender, DVM, MS, DACVPM