SPOTLIGHT: Springtime – shedding sweaters and crypto

SPOTLIGHT: Springtime – shedding sweaters and crypto

MARCH 2021

For those of us in the Upper Midwest, spring is a welcomed time of year. The days are longer, warmer and we can slowly shed the sweaters and puffer coats. For dairy and beef farmers, spring is a time to anticipate spring calving and prepare for herd health.

Cryptosporidium is a common parasite during calving season and cryptosporidiosis is the zoonotic disease that can pass or “shed” from your new calves to you. Cryptosporidiosis or “crypto” can cause serious illness with symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramping and vomiting.

Dr. Russ Daly, professor at South Dakota State University Extension and the State Public Health Veterinarian recently featured information on cryptosporidiosis in the SDSU Extension Livestock Newsletter.

Keep reading to learn more about this particular microorganism and how you use preventative methods for yourself and your new calves.

Cryptosporidiosis: A Potential Source of Illness in Calves and People Alike

Cryptosporidiosis is a pertinent example of a disease with zoonotic potential: one that can be passed from animals to people. Symptoms of “crypto” in people include the miserable experiences of diarrhea, stomach cramping, nausea, and vomiting. In some cases, affected people require hospitalization for treatment of their dehydration.