Farm Safety Check: COVID-19 Infection Prevention

Farm Safety Check: COVID-19 Infection Prevention

JULY 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how we work on the farm. 

Use the form below to list additional safety checks you think
are important when inspecting your farm.


  • Are all workers aware of COVID-19 symptoms?
  • Are all workers being screened for COVID-19?
  • Do you have a plan in place for workers with COVID symptoms, for COVID sick workers and their return to work?
  • Have you conducted a site/farm assessment to identify infection risks? Are workers provided information on reducing transmission in housing areas? E.g. sanitation, disinfection, distancing
  • Do workers receive training on PPE use, infection prevention, and infection control plans in language they understand?
  • Are you minimizing cross-team exposure by coordinating work schedules for individuals residing together?
  • Are vehicles allowing space between passengers, thoroughly cleaned, and/or limited to passengers that live together?
  • Are workers keeping at least 6 feet from each other when possible?
  • Are adequate hand washing stations available to enable frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds? (hand sanitizer may be substituted where soap and water isn’t feasible)
  • Are high touch surfaces (vehicles, offices, break spaces, etc.) disinfected or sanitized with appropriate products according to the instructions for proper use?
  • Has protective equipment been provided to workers to accommodate their work? (Have cloth masks for COVID-19 and appropriate PPE provided to workers)

You and/or your employee(s) can use this form to complete safety checks in light of the pandemic.


Additional Resources: