Helping Research Create Knowledge in Agriculture Safety

Helping Research Create Knowledge in Agriculture Safety


Bo Hu, Ph.D. and Associate Professor in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota, along with other authors was selected to receive a 2019 ASABE Superior Paper Award for the paper

“Simulation of Hydrogen Sulfide Emission from Deep-Pit Manure Storage During Agitation”.


“Research is creating new knowledge.”

Neil Armstrong

UMASH was pleased to contribute to this project as it is a clear example of how research can influence the practice of agricultural safety. The Upper Midwest is home to a large number of swine, dairy and beef cattle operations and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in animal barns has long been and continues to be a serious issue for farmers and agricultural workers. Dr. Hu and colleagues studied the sudden release and concentration distribution of H2S in various samples which can increase sharply during manure pit agitator and pump out.

Advancing research to practice is inherent to the mission of UMASH – to improve the health and safety of agricultural workers and their families in the Upper Midwest region. The research paper was published in the journal Transactions of the ASABE by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan