Farm Safety Check: Farm First Aid

First aid kits should be a staple on farms, and readily available. Farming is a dangerous occupation. Having a well stocked first aid kit can help you quickly respond to farm injuries. Being prepared can often mean the difference between an injury and a life threatening situation. …

SPOTLIGHT: First on your Farm: Be Ready with First Aid

NOVEMBER 2021 Build a Basic First Aid Kit Prepared by Charles Schwab, extension safety specialist with Iowa State University, and Carolyn Sheridan, registered nurse. 06/2017 FARM SAFETY CHECK FARM FIRST AID The FIRST step in First Aid is being prepared!  Having well stocked and easily accessible first aid kits can help you quickly respond to farm …

Feels like Fall – Fall Field Day Returns

SEPTEMBER 2021 Feel that? Fall is in the air and with that comes back to school, harvest and cool nights. It also is time for fall field days.  UMASH was one of the presenters at the Elementary Fall Field Days, held at the University of Minnesota Southwest Research and Outreach Center (SWROC) near Lamberton, MN. This three day event held September …