
SPOTLIGHT: Best Practices for Veterinary Sharps

What happens to all the used sharps used in agriculture?  Where are they stored?  Can they be thrown in the household trash? Are there general guidelines or recommendations for disposal? …

UMASH and Veterinarians – Keeping it Safe

Dr. Jeff Bender, co-director of the UMASH center, presented a workshop at the annual American Veterinary Medical Association convention July 13 - 17, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. …

Kicking off the Farm Show Season: UMASH in the Neighborhood

UMASH staffers, Diane Kampa and Carol Peterson, kicked off the farm show season with Farm Technology Days. This show was held July 10-12, 2018 near Marshfield, WI and gave us the opportunity to work in tandem with our National Farm Medicine Center (NFMC) colleagues. …

Farm Safety Check: Sun Safety

Those working in agriculture are at a higher risk for skin cancer because of time spent in the sun. It’s important to take multiple steps to protect yourself from overexposure and reduce sun-related risks. Sun protection includes covering your body with clothing, wearing a hat with a full-brim, adequate sunscreen coverage, and sunglasses. …

SPOTLIGHT: Telling the Story Project

Tell a story, save a life. That’s the idea behind a new project inserting injury prevention messages into first-hand accounts of farmers and others impacted by agricultural trauma incidents. Telling the Story Project is a collaboration of three regional agricultural safety centers funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). …