Understanding the Role of Animal Welfare in Worker Safety: An Emerging Issue

The UMASH in conjunction with the University of Minnesota’s Center for Integrative Leadership and Global Initiative for Food Systems Leadership sponsored a forum called “Finding Common Ground: Improving Animal and Worker Health and Welfare,” which was designed to foster conversation among participants with diverse perspectives to discover …

SPOTLIGHT: Leo’s Story

JANUARY 2013 Carrie Klumb Senior Epidemiologist, Minnesota Department of Health My husband, Ryan, is a third generation dairy farmer with approximately 200 head on the farm. We also have custom fed hogs and a dog. We have four children: Connor (20), Colton (14), Madison (12), and Leo (2). The older children have grown up around the animals and have …

National Farm Medicine Center Conducts Worksite Visit

The National Farm Medicine Center conducted a worksite visit to a Wisconsin farm as part of the Return to Work project. Investigators are developing a compendium of tasks in dairy and pork that we be used to develop an interactive clinically guided software application designed for clinicians to guide early return to work planning for injured workers …