Understanding the Role of Animal Welfare in Worker Safety: An Emerging Issue

Understanding the Role of Animal Welfare in Worker Safety: An Emerging Issue

fcg2013The UMASH in conjunction with the University of Minnesota’s Center for Integrative Leadership and Global Initiative for Food Systems Leadership sponsored a forum called “Finding Common Ground: Improving Animal and Worker Health and Welfare,” which was designed to foster conversation among participants with diverse perspectives to discover and advance a common good. Seventy-nine participants from academia, industry, intergovernmental, nongovernmental and governmental organizations examined the issue of animal welfare and worker safety in a neutral forum to consider multiple perspectives.

Panelists included: John Deen, D.V.M., Ph.D., Professor, University of Minnesota, Veterinary Population Medicine,  Matthew Keifer, M.D., M.P.H. Director, National Farm Medicine Center, and Kevin Wulf, Human Resources & Social Licensing Director, Riverview LLP.

As part of the second year of the pilot projects program, UMASH specifically requested proposals to further develop these ideas. To read the summary report and view the list of consensus ideas generated at this forum, visit the Finding Common Ground website.