SPOTLIGHT: New and Improved Farm Safety Check

SPOTLIGHT: New and Improved Farm Safety Check


Farm Safety CheckUMASH is continuously improving resources in order to better serve the users.

Farm Safety Check has been a key resource for two years, where a monthly topic is highlighted with a short list of checks farmers or farmworkers can walk through on their farm. Safety and health can be overwhelming with the number of hazards on the farm, and the Farm Safety Check has provided a short, monthly reminder to keep safety a part of the farm’s culture.

We’ve performed a quality review on all of our checklists to update links and resources, and created a new two-page fillable pdf with additional space for custom lists and recommended resources.

Farm Safety ChecklistsJust as UMASH resources are evolving, so are the recommended resources that supplement the checklist. To keep the content current, we’ve updated the recommended resources.

To accommodate the additional resources and provide space for personalization, we’ve made the checklists two pages. The back page features checkboxes each operation can customize to fit their farm, and additional resources from reputable sources.

To make the checklists accessible and user-friendly, we’ve changed the format. All checklists are now fillable-forms.  The PDFs can be downloaded and filled out on a computer or tablet.


UMASH Farm Safety Check

Farm Safety Check is a resource that enables UMASH to provide the agricultural community with a short, straightforward way to reduce risk on the farm. We are appreciative of our network that has supported, shared, and used this resource, and we are excited to continue building a culture of safety in agriculture.