SPOTLIGHT: Manure Safety Toolkit

As we move into fall and harvest season, much of the Upper Midwest has continued to see significant rainfall. Safety issues associated with manure storage, transportation and application, and health impacts should be brought to mind and discussed. …

Helping Research Create Knowledge in Agriculture Safety

  Bo Hu, Ph.D. and Associate Professor in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at the University of Minnesota, along with other authors was selected to receive a 2019 ASABE Superior Paper Award for the paper “Simulation of Hydrogen Sulfide Emission from Deep-Pit Manure Storage During Agitation”.   UMASH was pleased …

Farm Safety Check: Manure Application

When applying manure, it is important to remember to work safely and avoid cutting corners. Besides general machinery safety, there are many additional hazards that manure may pose. As you work to apply manure before the ground freezes, keep this safety checklist in mind for agitation, pumping, transportation, and application. …

Farm Safety Check: Manure Gas

Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, and extremely hazardous gas. It is produced by the breakdown of animal wastes or manure. It is heavier than air and can collect in both enclosed pits, open air lagoons and low-lying areas such as, ditches, or manholes. Knowing the risks that can occur with manure gas is important for those farms raising animals and for others who may visit your farm. Take time to protect you, your family and others by incorporating basic principles into your manure management plan and check out additional resources listed below. …