Farm Safety Check: Agritourism

Allowing people to visit your farm provides a unique opportunity for you to tell the story of your farm, and for the members of the public to learn more about agriculture. Agritourism can also be a great way to increase farm income, but the additional risks and responsibilities must be considered. …

MMPA Spanish Dairy Management Workshop

UMASH collaborated with Minnesota Milk Producers Association on a Spanish Dairy Management Workshop on August 8, 2017 in Rochester, Minnesota. UMASH highlighted the Spanish resources in both positive animal handling and preventing needlestick injuries. …

UMASH at Minnesota Farmfest 2017

Minnesota Farmfest 2017 was held August 1-3, 2017 near Redwood Falls, MN.  This was the third year UMASH participated in the show to network and provide educational resources on farm safety and health directly to the farm owners, families and workers.  …

Farm Safety Check: Heat Illness

Farming is a profession where much of the work occurs outside and because of that farm workers can be exposed to extreme temperatures. Summer heat and humidity are vigorous weather conditions farm workers must face. To protect themselves, farm workers should be prepared, educated, and take the proper safety precautions to prevent heat related illnesses. …

Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) Pilot/Feasibility Projects Program Request for Proposals

cs-cashThe Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health (CS-CASH) is now accepting applications for their pilot/feasibility projects program.   These projects can lead to the development of new and creative research, prevention, intervention, outreach, education, evaluation, or translation findings and outcomes. They can explore new activities or directions, or take advantage of special opportunities. Pilot project duration is limited to 18 months and funding is limited to $20K per project. Pilot projects are primarily intended to assist investigators to obtain pilot data that can be used in pursuing support through other funding mechanisms. Projects must be conducted in or be designed to reach agricultural communities in the CS-CASH 7 states region: ND, SD, IA, MN, NE, KS, MO. 

Letter of intent due date: July 28, 2017.  Application deadline is August 25, 2017.

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Farm Safety Check: ATV

Agricultural workers all over the world rely on ATVs to complete tasks on the farm; however, despite the usefulness of ATVs, serious injuries can result from improper use. If you take proper safety precautions, you can reduce the risk of ATV-related injury or death. …

SPOTLIGHT: Firefighters Could be Key to Farm Safety

Rural firefighters are farmers’ neighbors, friends, family, or are farmers in their own right. They are a highly trainable and trusted workforce. Moreover, they are in every rural county in the U.S. and will always outnumber agricultural health and safety experts – unless they become experts themselves. …

SPOTLIGHT: Roadway Safety

It is important to take special precautions on the roadways during planting and harvesting season—whether you are a farmer or driver of a motor vehicle. In the Midwest region of the United States, more than 1,000 farm vehicle crashes occur each year and cause severe and fatal injuries. Most crashes (75%) result in an injury, usually with increased risk to the non-farm vehicle operator (such as a motor vehicle driver) compared to the farmer. The Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health recently conducted a study reporting that wider roads (wider shoulder width, for example) and increased lighting and marking on farm equipment are both associated with reduced roadway crash rates. …

Minnesota Corn Growers Association Highlights UMASH Farm Safety Check

The Minnesota Corn Growers Association featured the UMASH Farm Safety Check in their recent article, “Safety review a year-round effort”. As part of the feature, they interviewed Dr. Bruce Alexander, Director of UMASH, about the importance of making safety a year-round habit on the farm, and the resources that are available through the UMASH Farm …