Communicating Complex Information is a Team Effort at UMASH

Communicating Complex Information is a Team Effort at UMASH


On November 10th, 2020, UMASH team members Molly VanBrocklin, Student Web/Graphic Designer, Maria Bertrand, Research Assistant and Devon Charlier, Research Assistant presented virtually to the NIOSH Extramural Communication Community of Practice Group. Over 50 outreach and communication staff from the CDC and NIOSH-funded multidisciplinary centers were in attendance.

The student team discussed Building Effective Data Visuals, highlighting the collaborative approach that is used at UMASH to communicate complex information. Everyone, from the outreach team to the evaluation team, is involved in sharing data and other information effectively. The presentation also highlighted how data visualizations are more powerful when teams have clarity around the goal and intended audience of a given project. This clarity allows for efficient decision-making about the approach, potential collaborators, and the time, energy, and skill sets that are required.

The presentation concluded with a beautiful handout created by Molly, UMASH’s graphic designer. The handout includes a “Resource Development Checklist” to guide teams and individuals through the decision-making process, as well as a spectrum of data visualization tools and tips.

Do you want to learn more about how to build effective data visuals?

Check out our handout with resources and an accompanying checklist!