UMASH Research Featured in AgriView.com Article on Asthma and Allergies

UMASH Co-Director Matthew Keiffer, MD, MPH has been quoted in a recent AgriView.com publication. In the article, entitled ‘Farms linked to less asthma, allergies’, Dr. Keiffer states that “he hopes researchers will be able to use the study’s findings to develop a therapy to prevent asthma and allergies.” The UMASH 2012 funded Pilot …

UMASH Research Group Awarded $5 Million NIH Grant

Dr. Christine Seroogy, Principal Investigator of the pilot project “Exploratory Immunologic Differences in Cord Blood from Infants Born into Farming Environments Compared to Nonfarming Environments in MESA” reports that their research group has been awarded a $5 million NIH award to continue this work with a larger number of infants and in a prospective …