The Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA) is seeking applications for the 2016 Safety Grants.
The purpose of the ASHCA Safety Grants Program is to encourage and provide financial support for agricultural safety and health interventions at the local and/or regional level in order to facilitate timely application of evidence-based safety/health strategies to protect agricultural workers.
Applicants are expected to be engaged in agriculture-related production, education/training and/or research. The key contact (principal) will generally meet one or more the following criteria: a) farm/agribusiness owner (farmer, grower, producer, rancher); b) agricultural organization representative; c) agricultural community-based organization or service leader; d) agribusiness risk manager or safety advisor; e) safety or public health academic instructor; and/or f) an agricultural youth organization representative. Applicants must have the capability to conduct the proposed activities within the time frame described in the proposal. Membership in ASHCA is not a requirement but is encouraged. Preference is given to projects that are not typically funded by federal/state grants. The key contact should be a U.S. resident. Only one application per organization/entity is allowed each year. In cases where the application represents a partnership between organizations/individuals, there must be one designee as the key contact to receive grant funds and submit required reports.
With a theme of “strengthening partnerships for safety” the priority for ASHCA’s grants are: a) Programs that engage both management and workers in the planning and implementation of successful injury reduction programs. b) “Hands-on” training initiatives that will increase workers’ adoption of proven safety practices and be sustained beyond the grant period. c) Initiatives that reach under-served or high-risk populations, e.g., non-English speaking workers.
ASHCA funds shall be allocated for grant recipients to implement existing programs and interventions that have demonstrated effectiveness. In some situations, it will be necessary to modify an existing resource/program for a target population and an explanation and justification for this should be included in the application. ASHCA funds will not be allocated to address rural recreational issues and are not intended for creating new education resources, e.g. videotapes, brochures, where similar products currently exist. Questions regarding restricted topics can be directed to