Needlestick Prevention for Producers and Veterinarians

Needlestick Prevention for Producers and Veterinarians

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  • Needlestick Prevention for Producers and Veterinarians

  • Needlestick Prevention for Producers and Veterinarians-image
  • Needlestick injury research shows that over 80% of farm workers and 73% of swine veterinarians working in animal agriculture have accidentally stuck themselves. Vaccines are the most common type of product involved in needlestick injuries.

    This fact sheet contains tips for employees and management for implementing a comprehensive needlestick prevention program.

    This fact sheet was developed by UMASH as part of the Multidisciplinary Network to Address Agriculture Worker Health and Safety Issues project.


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  • Needlestick Prevention for Producers and Veterinarians

  • Needlestick Prevention for Producers and Veterinarians-image
  • Needlestick injury research shows that over 80% of farm workers and 73% of swine veterinarians working in animal agriculture have accidentally stuck themselves. Vaccines are the most common type of product involved in needlestick injuries.

    This fact sheet contains tips for employees and management for implementing a comprehensive needlestick prevention program.

    This fact sheet was developed by UMASH as part of the Multidisciplinary Network to Address Agriculture Worker Health and Safety Issues project.