SPOTLIGHT: Caution with Calves: Stopping the Spread of Zoonotic Diseases

SPOTLIGHT: Caution with Calves: Stopping the Spread of Zoonotic Diseases


They are everywhere – bacteria, viruses, fungus, or anything known as germs.  Some are more problematic than others including zoonotic diseases, which can transfer between animals and people and people and animals. 

When working with calves it is important to remember that many of the same germs that cause illness in calves can also cause illness in people, including fever, diarrhea, and vomiting as well as skin irritations such as ringworm.


Caution with Calves: Stopping the Spread of Zoonotic Diseases
Updated: November 2021

UMASH has produced a video which can help you, your family and workers stay safe from infectious disease.  Learn the prevention steps including hand hygiene, boot washing, and designated clothing for working with animals. The video is available in English and Spanish and can be used as a training tool or safety refresher for workers.

Precaución con los becerros: Detener la propagación de enfermedades zoonóticos
Updated: November 2021

Precaución con los becerros: Detener la propagación de enfermedades zoonóticos discute la forma en que las zoonosis pueden propagarse de personas a animales y de animales a personas. Este video destaca un rancho lechero donde el manejo de becerros pone a los trabajadores en riesgo de contraer enfermedades zoonóticas y métodos de prevención para detener la propagación.