Farm Safety Check: Tick-borne Disease

Tick-borne disease is a serious health-concern across the Upper Midwest, particularly for anyone working outdoors. Farmers might be more likely to walk through tall grass, thick brush, and wooded areas that ticks thrive in. Taking precautionary and preventive steps during tick season can help you avoid tick-borne diseases, but knowing signs and symptoms is important as well. …

SPOTLIGHT: Tick-borne Diseases

Tick-borne diseases are on the rise, but are often misdiagnosed and under-reported. Check yourself, your family and your pets after being outside! …

SPOTLIGHT: Register Now for ISASH

Registration is open for the 2019 International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH) Annual Conference, June 24-27, at the Embassy Suites in downtown Des Moines, Iowa. …

Carrie Klumb Receives 2019 SPH Emerging Leader Award

  Carrie Klumb,  from the Minnesota Department of Health was recently recognized by the School of Public Health and received the 2019 Emerging Leader Award.  Carrie received her Masters in Public Health in 2010 and has been a key contributor to UMASH with research, education and outreach in zoonotic disease.  Zoonotic means infectious diseases …